
Saturday, August 6, 2022

How to Block a Website on Windows xp, Windows 7 , Windows 10 &11 PC for all browser

 How to Block a Website on Windows xp, Windows 7 , Windows 10 &11 PC for all browser.

Step by Step Easy Process :

Step1.  Go to the Windows Start Button and click there. A "Search Program & Files" text box will appear at the bottom. On that Textbox type "run", and press enter key.

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC

Step 2. A small window dialog box will appear with a text box. On that text box write "system32" and press the enter key.

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC step 2

Step 3. Now on the screen you will see lots of Folders under this system32 directory. Find the "drivers" folder and double click on it.

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC

Step 4. On this "driver" folder you will get the "etc" folder. Double click on this folder and you will get a file called "host". Now open this "host" file in NotePad.

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
#          # source server
#              # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
#       localhost
#    ::1             localhost


Step 5. At the end of this text file write down the url which you want to block. For Example

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC 

Step 6 . Save this notePad file. Now your and sites will be blocked.

How to block a Website on Windows Local PC

Friday, July 29, 2022

How to Import Data (tables) from Postgresql to MS Access Database using ODBC : Step by Step Tutorial

 Import Data (tables) from Postgresql to MS Access Database using ODBC : Step by Step Tutorial for data migration from one Database System to Another Database System.

Objective :- Transfer data tables form PostgresSQL database to MS Access Database.

Step1:- Create a Blank MS Access Database in your Windows system.

Step2:- Open that newly created Access database and go  the External Data tab. Next Click on the More button. Where you will find lots of options. Select the ODBC_databse form that list.


Import to ODBC Database

Step 2: Select the source and destination of data. Select the option "Import the Source Data into a new table in the current database", and click OK.

Step 2 : import the source data

Step3: A new Popup window will appear on the screen. Click on the "Machine Data Source" tab. Here you will see the all DNS , data source names . We will select for example "BE" data source name and click OK.

Step 3 , Select Data Source Name

Step 4: Import Objects. In this step you will find all the tables under the BE database. Click on the SELECT ALL button to select all the tables then Press the OK.


Import Object Tables

 Step5: Get External Data- ODBC database.All objects are imported successfully. Press the button SAVE IMPORT.

Get External ODBC Data

Step 7: Your data has been successfully imported form the PostgreSQL database server to your local Windows PC's Microsoft Access Database. Enjoy !!

Successfully imported database form PostgreSQl to Local Access Database

Monday, July 25, 2022

Working Principles of the Layer 2 switch & Layer 3 switch | Network Administration

 Working Principles of the Layer 2 switch & Layer 3 manage switch  | Network Administration.

  • Switches are Layer 2 device,
  • Routers are Layer 3 device
  • The new generation of Layer 3 switches route using hardware only.
  • A switch will examine the incoming frame's MAC header to determine the physical address of the destination device.
  • Whereas a HUB , simply repeats an incoming frame out of all its ports, the switch creates a virtual path to forward frames to the port. Where it knows the destination device exist.
  • Switch can provide flow control to network traffic by temporarily storing frames in a buffer. 
  • Switch can also generate BACK PRESSURE to cause transmitting device to wait long enough for the switch to deal with backlogged traffic. To create back pressure, the switch broadcast false collation detection signals to cause network interface card to back off.
Layer 3 managed Switch

Orange { HRM } Human Resource Management Open Source Software installation Process

 Orange HRM Software Installation Process in Your Local Windows PC

Step 1: Download the OrangeHRM for Windows.

Step 2: Install xampp server for windows. {apache, mysql}

Step 3: Now unzip the downloaded software.

A. You will find orangehrm x.x folder.

B. Copy this folder to the C:\xampp\htdocs

C. In your browser, type localhost/orangehrm-x.x

D. A configuration web based window will appear.

Orange HRM

Step 4: Database configuration

Database to Use       | New Database|

Database host name |localhost         |

Database host port   | 3306             |

Database Name        | orangehrm_mysql |

Privileged DB user Name  | root      |

Privileged DB password    | root123 |

Use the same DB user for Orange HRM .Yes

OrangeHRM DB username |orangehrm|

OrangeHRM DB userpassword |orange 123|

Enable database encryption .Yes

NB:- In our configuration we did not give any Root Password for my SQL database. So leave the Privilege DB password file as blank.

Step 5: System Check

Step 6: Admin User Creation

Orange HRM Admin ID | Admin |

Orange HRM Admin Password |Admin1234|

Step 7: Press Next

Step 8: Installing ..........

Step 9: Next

Step 10. Registration ? , No Thanks...

Saturday, July 23, 2022

How to install Eclips PHP IDE software in Windows System for Software Development

 Q. How to install Eclips PHP software in Windows System ?


Step 1: Download the Eclips PHP. (

Step 2: Unzipe the folder and copy the folder to the appropriate drive.

Step 3: Rename of eclips-php.

Step 4: Make a short cut to Desktop.

Step 5: Click on the setup icon and it will automatically installed the software for you.

Step 6: Next, when you first Run the eclips, then it will ask you to give the work space path.

Step 7: That Path should be "xampp / htdoc " folder. Otherwise it will not display in browser.

Note: Before install PHP, Download the xampp software  and install it in your Windows System.

NB:- An integrated development environment (IDE) is software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI).



How to create user DSN with ODBC driver in Windows System for PostgresSQL Database

 How to create user DSN with ODBC driver in Windows System : Step by Step Tutorial Guide :

Step 1: Go to Windows start button -->Click Settings --->Click on Control Panel

Step 2: In control panel go to the Administrative Tools

Step 3: Double Click on the Data Source(ODBC) icon. A small popup screen with lots of tabs will be appear on the screen.

DSN Data Source Name in Windows

Step 4: Click on the User DSN tab.

Step 5: Now click on the ADD button. Now you can see lots of ODBC drivers in the List. Select the appropriate Driver form the List, for example here we chose the PostgresSQL ODBC driver.

Step 6: Click on the Finish button.

ODBC PostgresSQL Database Connection

Step 7: Now give the data source name in the appropriate box. Similarly give the database name, ip address of the database server (may be localhost or other private IP address ),then Give the User Name and Password of the database in the appropriate box.

Step 8: Press the TEST button to check the connection, whether you put all the parameters correctly or not. If everything is OK then it will give you a successful message.

Friday, July 22, 2022

How to Upload a New Module in Drupal Content Management System ?

 Q. How to Upload a New Module in Drupal Content Management System ?

Ans: Go to the Module tab and check the Update Manager and save it. Otherwise you can't upload new modules in drupal CMS. 

Drupal CMS


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

How to configure the MRTG to Poll multiple devices in Linux Operating System ?

 Getting MRTG (Multi Router Traffic Grapher) to Poll multiple network devices.

MRTG configuration in Linux Environment

The Fedora Core MRTG installation process create a CORN file named /etc/corn.d/mrtg . This file tells the corn daemon to run MRTG using /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg file every 5 minutes to poll your network devices. You can configure MRTG to poll multiple devices, each with a separate configuration file.

1. Create a new configuration file using the steps from the previous section, choose a file name that is not mrtg.cfg

2. Add a new MRTG lene in / etc/corn.d/mrtg for each new configuration file you create.

0-59/5 **** root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg  /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg

0-59/5 **** root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/dervice1.cfg

0-59/5 **** root env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/device2.cfg

3.Run the indexmaker command, and include all of your /etc/mrtg configuration files.

4. Other versions of Linux keep their MRTG corn entries inside /etc/corntab file. Edit this file using the same syntex.

Now , restart the corn demon as 

root # service cornd restart.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

GlobalAssam: Best C++ and Operating System Books Recomended by GU

GlobalAssam: Best C++ and Operating System Books Recomended by GU: C++ and Operating System Best Recommended Books by Department of Electronics & Telecommunication, Gauhati University, India ...

Free software for Monitoring Network Performance - MRTG [Multi Router Traffic Grapher]

 MRTG [Multi Router Traffic Grapher]  is a Free Software for Monitoring Network Performance in Graphical form. Here we will discuss the installation process of this free software in Linux distribution.

For Linux System ,we need to install the following software

  1. MRTG [latest version]
  2. SNMP
  3. Apache Web Server 
MRTG diagram

How to Configure the MRTG ?

When MRTG's rpm is installed, it creates a directory called /etc/mrtg.
To create a replacement, default /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg configuration file for server , follow these steps,

1.Use MRTG's cfgmaker command to create a configuration file named mrtg.cfg for the server. Using a read only community string of craz33guy. Place all data files in the directory /var/www/mrtg.

root#cfgmaker --output=/etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg
--global"varkdir: /var/www/mrtg" -ifref=ip
--blobal 'option[.] : growright, bits

NOTE :- -if ref=ip cfgmaker command option instruct MRTG to use the interface's IP address as the title for each graph.

2. Edit /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg, and remove the section related to interfaces you don't need to monitor. A certain candidate would be the virtual lookup interface LO: (

3. Run MRTG using /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg as your argument 3 times. You will get an error for 2 times, as MRTG tries to move old data files, and naturally the 1st time when it runs the MRTG , it has no data to move.

root# env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg

-> give this command 3 times

4. Use MRTG's indexmaker command to create a Web index page using your new mrtg.cfg file as guide.

root# indexmaker --output=var/www/mrtg/index.html   /etc/mrtg/mrtg.cfg

5. MRTG is run every 5 minute by default, and the file that governs this is /etc/corn.d/mrtg. To work correctly edit this file, replacing all occurrence of /usr/bin/mrtg with env LANG = C /usr/bin/mrtg.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Do's and Don'ts of Structured LAN Cabling Network

 What is Structured Cabling & Why it is used ?

"Standard " is to define a method of connecting all types of vendors voice & data equipment, over a cabling system that uses a common media, common connectors and a common topology. This means that a building can be cabled for all its communications needs without the planner or architecture even having to know what type of equipment will be used.

There are three main cabling standards.

  • EIA/TIA 568 A ---> American standard and was the first to be published on 1991.
  • ISO/IEC 11801 ---> International Standard.
  • CENELEC EN 50173 ---> European Standard (British version is BSEN 50173) .
  1. Cable Tie
  2. Patch Panel
  3. PVC pipe of Casing
  4. IO Box
  5. RJ45 connectors
  6. Cat 5e/6/7 cable
  7. Wall mount Box.

HDSL Modem Connection & Configuration Details with Diagram

 High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line or HDSL Telecommunications Technology is used to transfer data over Private Copper Network or E1 digital Subscriber Line. The Download Speed of the HDSL line is 1.54 Mbps and the Upload speed is is 1.54 Mbps.

HDSL Router Connection diagram
HDSL One Pair Modem Connection Diagram