
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Password Recovery ASA 5520

Password Recovery Process for Cisco ASA 5520.

  1. Reboot Power
  2. When prompted , press Esc to interrupt the boot process and enter ROM monitor mode.You should see a Rommon Prompt (rommon#0> ).
  3. rommon#0>confreg (press enter).
  4. current configure register should be default of 0x01. Device will ask if you want to make changes to the configuration register.
    Answer : NO
  5. You must change the configuration Register to 0x41.
  6. rommon#1>confreg 0x41
  7. Reset the device.
  8. rommon#2> boot
  9. Now after booting you will see a general user mode like. ciscoasa>
  10. ciscoasa> enable password
  11. ciscoasa#
  12. ciscoasa#copy startup-config running-config
  13. ciscoasa#config t
  14. ciscoasa(config)#enable password
  15. Reset the configuration to default value 0x01.
  16. ciscoasa(config)#config-register 0x01
  17. View the configuration register setup
  18. ciscoasa#show run startup-config
  19. reload
  20. ciscoasa#reload
  21. System config has been modified,save [Yes][No]
  22. press Yes.