
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Password Recovery ASA 5520

Password Recovery Process for Cisco ASA 5520.

  1. Reboot Power
  2. When prompted , press Esc to interrupt the boot process and enter ROM monitor mode.You should see a Rommon Prompt (rommon#0> ).
  3. rommon#0>confreg (press enter).
  4. current configure register should be default of 0x01. Device will ask if you want to make changes to the configuration register.
    Answer : NO
  5. You must change the configuration Register to 0x41.
  6. rommon#1>confreg 0x41
  7. Reset the device.
  8. rommon#2> boot
  9. Now after booting you will see a general user mode like. ciscoasa>
  10. ciscoasa> enable password
  11. ciscoasa#
  12. ciscoasa#copy startup-config running-config
  13. ciscoasa#config t
  14. ciscoasa(config)#enable password
  15. Reset the configuration to default value 0x01.
  16. ciscoasa(config)#config-register 0x01
  17. View the configuration register setup
  18. ciscoasa#show run startup-config
  19. reload
  20. ciscoasa#reload
  21. System config has been modified,save [Yes][No]
  22. press Yes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Show Broadcast Packets

Show Broadcast Packets on CISCO Manage Switches

It is very important for Network Admin to monitor broadcast packets in his Network. Here I mention some very basic cisco manage switch command for monitoring network packets.
  1. #sh int fa 0/1 count
  2. #sh int counters
  3. #sh int counters trunk
  4. #sh int count errors
  5. #sh int count protocols status
  6. #sh int valn 1
  7. #sh flow control
  8. #sh storm control broadcast
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